Financial Literacy

In my early encounters with both seasoned and newbies in financing for development, documenting and reporting within the outreach and communication, it became obvious we now have huge misunderstandings on both sides with the aisle (donors-investors and recipients)… Specific to sub-Saharan Africa, also to a larger extent other areas in the world, when expectations usually are not communicated, roles left to assumption, this could jeopardize the “relationship” ordinary framework. Whether risks are downplayed or returns overblown, it’s my role to reasonably define key required each parties make certain the Plan forward is well understood and updated when necessary.

In today’s sub-Saharan Africa’s investment needs framework, it’s likely that opportunity gap will probably be affecting insufficient performance in areas highly called much needed so that local livelihoods rely on. Basic infrastructure in food, agriculture, health insurance education has been provisioned without much comparison to its medium and long lasting impacts or perhaps in sync to local private actors’ interests. The lost decades of increase in the seventies, finding myself part allotted to such poor planning cycles from donors’ perspectives.

Due to early stage’ markets in sub-Saharan Africa, investors will often be made up of local entrepreneurs, with few trans-border participation such business opportunities. Endogenous investors often gain from residual setbacks and unfulfilled demands from donors’ investments. Despite, the African grocery store expanding with estimates showing that it will probably be worth US$1 trillion by 2030 up through the current US$300 billion. Key challenges remain to allow optimal transition with their enterprises into thriving businesses.

Recipients representing the majority 90% from the development aid resources are poised, with hardly any preparation, to meet the delicate task of producing the grains and harvesting it with aid of women and families in the typical smallholders’ farmer settings. On that note, need for food is also projected to at the very least double by 2050.

These trends, together with the continent’s food import bill, estimated at the staggering US$30-50 billion, indicate that the opportunity exists for smallholder farmers, already producing 80% in the food we eat.

At this Juncture, there may be obviously no interaction between donor’s perspective, entrepreneurs and beneficiaries. Wherever resource allocation is sought to being made, because of skills scarcity and institutional instability, better outreach and communication have to be conducted for sake of ownership therefore accountability in project deliverables…